i was really expecting the second umrao jaan to be a great movie considering the director J P Dutta whose two movies border n refugee i have liked a lot...also was expection was raised knowing the star cast...was looking forward to see this movie n see abhishek as nawab n ash as umrao jaan....
but of course it didnt stand upto my expection....but mostly coz of change in storydone by JP Dutta....i know the changes coz so eager i was to know wat umrao jaan was n what the hype was abt that i actually went n got cd of the movie n saw the movie wit rekha as umrao jaan....
well the failure of the new umrao jaan only consolidates the fact the story is the most important part of film making..not the actors n the producer (by that i mean not how much money put into it) nor the director......only if the story is good will the movie succeed
cause of failure:
here i bring to u the changes made in new movie wrt wat it was in old movie...i too dont know the actual story as i have not read the book...
firstly the greatest negative is that there r no ironies in the new movie...it jus deals with the same old tragedy of an innocent girl who becomes a prostitute.....well v all know the sad story....nothing new abt it..
differences in old n new movie:
old movie:
1) the man who kidnaps her has kidnapped one more girl too...the other girl is not a very good looking girl....he takes them both to some nawabs home n asks the wife too buy them both n keep them as servants....well she says she needs only 1 maid not two..also he asks more money for the amiran (umrao jaans childhood name) as she is pretty..so the nawabs wife refuses to take her saying she doesnt need the beautiful girl for a maid the not so good looking girl wud do...n so finally she keeps other female n the guy takes her to a brothel..
thus 1st irony :her beauty works against her...coz of her beauty she lands up in a whore house otherwise she wud have been taken as maid which is not as bad as becoming a prostitute...
well this whole sequence is cut out from the new movie...in the new one the man directly takes her to a brothel...
2)she does try to run away..but gets caught n then she is beaten..n then she is kept tied...
in new one...she tries to run...but the care taker catches her n then tempts her with fineries..n she gets tempted n forgets her family as she comes from a poor family n has not seen such things.....
3)in the old movie....she is a famous prostitute before abhisheks character (played by farooq shaikh) meets her...in fact he hears her singing n is enchanted by her voice first...but he being a good guy doesnt go to the brothel...later on when he hears so much abt her beauty too goes to see her n falls for her
in the new one....she is so called introduced in some mehfil..where all nawabs r supposed to have gathered n abhishek sees her there n falls for her..(weak first meeting sequence)
4) second irony..once rekha n other girls have gone for a picnic....she is supposed to meet farooq shaikh there....other girls r playing..some dacoits come n kidnap one of the girls...well as fate wud have it...this girl is rescued by some king n he marries her...(in the movie of course this is shown in two parts...wen rekha has lost her way in jungle she ends up in this girls kingdom n they meet..till then everyone thought the girls dead....well so the irony being had she been there playing n not wit farooq shaikh she wud have been kidnapped n later married the king...also the irony being her nawab leaves her but this king marries the girl even though she is a prostitute..) this entire sequence is absent in new movie..a vital one i believe to reach out to audience
5)old movie: well farooq shaikh's parents r divorced...n they had this pact that farooq will marry his fathers daughter..now obviously faroq's mother doesnt want that to happen...so she just takes a vow that i will marry my daughter to anyone but ur sisters daughter..if need arises even to the maid of my home... well n on the other side..farooq is shown to be in love wit rekha n all but she doesnt have courage to ask him to marry her...n he doesnt commit anything..rekha also tells him once u shd listen to ur mom i think...n he is under his moms thumb...n he doesnt have courage to tell his mom that loves a prostitute...
thus the third irony: she loses her lover...who marries the maid of the house jus to please his mother...n well no prizes for guessing who the maid is..she is none other than the other girl who was kidnapped along with umrao jaan..so even though they were both kidnapped by the same person....the girl became a maid n later the wife of a nawab due to lack of good looks n umrao jaan is again thrashed by destiny...
in the new one: well abhishek announces his love for umrao jaan..his father disapproves...abhi fights back...father disowns him...so the nawab becomes penniless..umrao's khala insults him n throws him out of her kotha...ash asks him take her wit him..but he like an idiot tells her he has to earn a living for them both n lets her live in the hell...n tells her to be faithful to him else he will leave her.....(i dont know what kind of an idiot is he shown..doesnt he know whats expected of a prostitute n doesnt he know people might force her against her wishes..wat kind of a man lets the woman he loves live in such a hell hole)...n after that he is not shown doing anything that might suggest he being productive...he jus goes to his uncles home..n does time pass i guess..while umrao is facing all the music
6)old movie : well now rekha is alone n lonely..this dacoit comes...enacted by raj babbar...he had expressed interest in her n asked her to go wit him....earlier she had refused..but now bein without any aim she asks him to take her wit him n he does....well on the way..dacoits of the other gang come n kill him...so again she loses someone who truely cared for her n loved her.....
in the new movie: sunil shetty comes dressed as nawab...ash refuses to sleep with him..he kind of rapes her...n then she comes to know where abhishek is so she acts as if she is interested in sunil shetty n asks him to take her...sunil shetty gets caught by soldjers..seeing abhishek there adds 1 n 1...tells abhi ash was unfaithful..n abhi sends ash back without even listening to her...(sad but the sanctity of love is lost here...raj babbars character is so dignified u actually feel bad that he gets killed n rekha is alone...that definately tugs ur heart more than suniel saying ash was unfaithful n abhi sending her back..i mean wat kind of love did he have for her that he believes a dacoit n doesnt even let her talk...wat kind of a judge of character is he....i feel umrao is definately better off alone rather than being with such a person.....)
7)lastly..in old one umraos mother accepts her but she is too weak to fight her son who insults umrao n sends her back
new one....the mother herself insults her.....i mean what kind of a mother wud do that....
there r some more differences too like ash was raped by puru raj kumars character there was no need of that but jus put to create sympathy....but the tragedies ash had to go thru did tug the heart the way rekha's story did...
these were the twists in story of rekha's umrao jaan which made umrao jaan a bigger tragedy..different from other tragedies...
but of course it didnt stand upto my expection....but mostly coz of change in storydone by JP Dutta....i know the changes coz so eager i was to know wat umrao jaan was n what the hype was abt that i actually went n got cd of the movie n saw the movie wit rekha as umrao jaan....
well the failure of the new umrao jaan only consolidates the fact the story is the most important part of film making..not the actors n the producer (by that i mean not how much money put into it) nor the director......only if the story is good will the movie succeed
cause of failure:
here i bring to u the changes made in new movie wrt wat it was in old movie...i too dont know the actual story as i have not read the book...
firstly the greatest negative is that there r no ironies in the new movie...it jus deals with the same old tragedy of an innocent girl who becomes a prostitute.....well v all know the sad story....nothing new abt it..
differences in old n new movie:
old movie:
1) the man who kidnaps her has kidnapped one more girl too...the other girl is not a very good looking girl....he takes them both to some nawabs home n asks the wife too buy them both n keep them as servants....well she says she needs only 1 maid not two..also he asks more money for the amiran (umrao jaans childhood name) as she is pretty..so the nawabs wife refuses to take her saying she doesnt need the beautiful girl for a maid the not so good looking girl wud do...n so finally she keeps other female n the guy takes her to a brothel..
thus 1st irony :her beauty works against her...coz of her beauty she lands up in a whore house otherwise she wud have been taken as maid which is not as bad as becoming a prostitute...
well this whole sequence is cut out from the new movie...in the new one the man directly takes her to a brothel...
2)she does try to run away..but gets caught n then she is beaten..n then she is kept tied...
in new one...she tries to run...but the care taker catches her n then tempts her with fineries..n she gets tempted n forgets her family as she comes from a poor family n has not seen such things.....
3)in the old movie....she is a famous prostitute before abhisheks character (played by farooq shaikh) meets her...in fact he hears her singing n is enchanted by her voice first...but he being a good guy doesnt go to the brothel...later on when he hears so much abt her beauty too goes to see her n falls for her
in the new one....she is so called introduced in some mehfil..where all nawabs r supposed to have gathered n abhishek sees her there n falls for her..(weak first meeting sequence)
4) second irony..once rekha n other girls have gone for a picnic....she is supposed to meet farooq shaikh there....other girls r playing..some dacoits come n kidnap one of the girls...well as fate wud have it...this girl is rescued by some king n he marries her...(in the movie of course this is shown in two parts...wen rekha has lost her way in jungle she ends up in this girls kingdom n they meet..till then everyone thought the girls dead....well so the irony being had she been there playing n not wit farooq shaikh she wud have been kidnapped n later married the king...also the irony being her nawab leaves her but this king marries the girl even though she is a prostitute..) this entire sequence is absent in new movie..a vital one i believe to reach out to audience
5)old movie: well farooq shaikh's parents r divorced...n they had this pact that farooq will marry his fathers daughter..now obviously faroq's mother doesnt want that to happen...so she just takes a vow that i will marry my daughter to anyone but ur sisters daughter..if need arises even to the maid of my home... well n on the other side..farooq is shown to be in love wit rekha n all but she doesnt have courage to ask him to marry her...n he doesnt commit anything..rekha also tells him once u shd listen to ur mom i think...n he is under his moms thumb...n he doesnt have courage to tell his mom that loves a prostitute...
thus the third irony: she loses her lover...who marries the maid of the house jus to please his mother...n well no prizes for guessing who the maid is..she is none other than the other girl who was kidnapped along with umrao jaan..so even though they were both kidnapped by the same person....the girl became a maid n later the wife of a nawab due to lack of good looks n umrao jaan is again thrashed by destiny...
in the new one: well abhishek announces his love for umrao jaan..his father disapproves...abhi fights back...father disowns him...so the nawab becomes penniless..umrao's khala insults him n throws him out of her kotha...ash asks him take her wit him..but he like an idiot tells her he has to earn a living for them both n lets her live in the hell...n tells her to be faithful to him else he will leave her.....(i dont know what kind of an idiot is he shown..doesnt he know whats expected of a prostitute n doesnt he know people might force her against her wishes..wat kind of a man lets the woman he loves live in such a hell hole)...n after that he is not shown doing anything that might suggest he being productive...he jus goes to his uncles home..n does time pass i guess..while umrao is facing all the music
6)old movie : well now rekha is alone n lonely..this dacoit comes...enacted by raj babbar...he had expressed interest in her n asked her to go wit him....earlier she had refused..but now bein without any aim she asks him to take her wit him n he does....well on the way..dacoits of the other gang come n kill him...so again she loses someone who truely cared for her n loved her.....
in the new movie: sunil shetty comes dressed as nawab...ash refuses to sleep with him..he kind of rapes her...n then she comes to know where abhishek is so she acts as if she is interested in sunil shetty n asks him to take her...sunil shetty gets caught by soldjers..seeing abhishek there adds 1 n 1...tells abhi ash was unfaithful..n abhi sends ash back without even listening to her...(sad but the sanctity of love is lost here...raj babbars character is so dignified u actually feel bad that he gets killed n rekha is alone...that definately tugs ur heart more than suniel saying ash was unfaithful n abhi sending her back..i mean wat kind of love did he have for her that he believes a dacoit n doesnt even let her talk...wat kind of a judge of character is he....i feel umrao is definately better off alone rather than being with such a person.....)
7)lastly..in old one umraos mother accepts her but she is too weak to fight her son who insults umrao n sends her back
new one....the mother herself insults her.....i mean what kind of a mother wud do that....
there r some more differences too like ash was raped by puru raj kumars character there was no need of that but jus put to create sympathy....but the tragedies ash had to go thru did tug the heart the way rekha's story did...
these were the twists in story of rekha's umrao jaan which made umrao jaan a bigger tragedy..different from other tragedies...
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